Riyaz Hamidon – The youngest member of our Align family

Riyaz Hamidon. The youngest member of our Align family. He is adventurous and passionate, and bring lot’s of joy to our Asker office

Background and career 

I pursued my studies in Computer Science at the NIBM in Colombo. During my academic journey, I secured an internship at Virtusa Pvt. Ltd., which provided valuable practical experience. I graduated in December 2018, and in January 2019, I joined IFS. 

At IFS, I was assigned to the Global Consultation Department, where I worked closely with Scandinavian customers. After 4 years I left IFS and joined Cooper Software in the UK, working remotely from Sri Lanka. 

After a short period at Cooper Software, Align entered the scene. Joining Align felt like the right next step in my career. I was very happy to become part of Align’s journey and moved to Norway October 2023. 


Three words that describe you?  

I’m very passionate and dedicated about what I do.  

I like to explore and I’m quite curious – love going on new adventures.  

I would also say I’m cooperative – I really like working together with others solving problems and coming up with good solutions for our customers. 


How is a typical workday? 

I’m usually in the office. My day always starts up with a cup of coffee (I really can’t start without). The first thing I do after my coffee is check my emails before starting my actual work. My workday consists of a good mix of independent work and meetings. 


Highlight of your career? 

I can’t think of single major highlights, the small moments are the ones that really count.  


The best thing about working for Align? 

The people and culture – it’s really great. Despite the culture shock moving from Sri Lanka to Norway, the difference in work related culture is all positive here in Align.  


«The best thing about Align is the people and the culture»


Everyday happiness? 

I love the feeling when I’m done with all my “to-do’s”. After these things are done, I can enjoy my time without thinking about everything I should do. If the weather is bad (which is not uncommon here in Norway) I love watching movies. When the weather is nice, I like going for a hike, running or swimming. 


What do you prefer to do after work? 

I’m still getting used to living in Norway, so much time is spent adjusting and learning the Norwegian language. But I love running, so I guess I will be doing lots of that when the Norwegian studies slow down a bit.  

Back home in Sri Lanka I would spend much time visit family or friends.  


If you had one extra day during the week, what would you do? 

I would use this time going on new adventures and exploring, maybe learning new skills. I would also practice my cooking, which is something I started doing after moving to Norway.